
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Two Girls From MN

Well yes, it’s true we are two girls from Minnesota.  I know what you are thinking, and for the record those things about the stereotypical Midwest girl are not ALL true.  Sure we may call it “pop” instead of “soda” and say things like “uff da” and “oh for cute”….and we do eat an occasional hot dish here and there, but we are two down to earth girls who love adventure and truly have MN pride.  There are so many awesome things about living in Minnesota…..the lakes (all 10,000+ of them), the changes of the seasons (not sure if we could have a Christmas if it wasn’t covered in several feet of snow), and who wouldn’t want to live in a place that is known for being "Nice". 

It is truly an experience to walk out into -50 degrees wind chill or to be waist deep in snow on the first day of spring.  We may never know what it is like to be able to see the beach every day or wake up with the mountains in our back yard, but some may never know the beauty behind each season or spending an afternoon on the lake cruising in a pontoon with friends.  It is not about where you come from that makes you the person that you are, it is who God created you to be, that makes you the person that you are.  

“God, in his great plan and purpose, has made you in the way that he desires.” 
–Alistair Begg

Everyone comes from somewhere which makes us all unique and makes our life journey like no other. 
~Kate & Kelli